Up until a few days ago I was planning to spoil my ballot. My rational was that because the Red Tories have taken over Conservative policy, the Tories have not done much to earn my vote. However, I've decided that I will vote Tory with my nose in the air in hopes that they can win a minority and learn to govern and prove they are not so scary. Here is a wish list of things that I would like to see done and said that will earn my vote next time around. In no particular order:
1. Reduce corporate taxes. These cuts would allow companies to invest in new technologies and research, allow them to hire more employees, and just as importantly, if not hire more employees then allow them to maintain current staff levels. It would also increase dividends paid to shareholders and increase the value of everyone's portfolio.
2. "High income earners in Canada carry an unfair burden at tax time." The next time someone says the wealthy need to "pay their fair share" point out to them that higher income earners pay more taxes both in terms of absolute dollars and as a percentage of their total income. A true "fair share" would be to....
3. Implement a flat income tax. People with higher incomes should not be penalized for it. A flat tax would also encourage more investment and spending in Canada.
4. Reduce the capital gains tax to 18%. This will instantly benefit people at all income levels and spur new investment in to the Canadian economy. It will also add much needed income for many seniors.
5. Reduce the size and spending of the federal government. Holding govt. spending to 2% below inflation will still allow for surpluses despite lost revenue through decreased taxes. Federal spending has nearly doubled in the past 10 years to about $180 billion. This is unacceptable and needs to be reined in.
6. Pay down the debt aggressively. Take advantage of current surpluses and low interest rates by paying down significant amounts of our debt now and we will save exponentially later. When the baby boomers start needing increased health care in 10 years time debt relief now will give us added breathing room. No pun intended.
7. Sell Petro-Canada immediately and apply all money from the sale to the debt. The government has no business competing against private companies. Use Jim Flaherty's litmus test - If it's in the phone book, Sell it. (thanks to the BC for reminding me of that great quote).
8. Stop funding the CBC. See #7.
9. More Rona Ambrose. Much more. She's the future of the party. Smart, articulate, bilingual, conservative, and attractive. In other words everything Belinda was supposed to be but isn't. And Rona's popularity in Canada will skyrocket when Clinton inevitably starts hittin' on her.
10. "Health Care, Education, and Day Care are provincial jurisdictions". Federal parties need to stop buying votes on issues that are not primarily theirs, and start getting back to federal priorities.
11. "We are confederation of 10 provinces and three territories, all with unique cultures and needs". We now have a population of 30 million. The time for a strong and ever present central government has passed.
13. Allow provinces to try a private parallel health care system. Our current system is economically unsustainable as it is and will only get worse when boomers start needing further care. We can't let a dogmatic and monopolistic approach to health care stand in the way of caring for Canadian citizens.
14. Be hard but fair with Quebec. The paradox with Quebec is that the more they give them the more they resent the federal government. When the PM has the guts to stand up and say to them "We will work with you but you can't bend us over" they are far more cooperative.
15. Get rid of the gun registry. Law abiding gun owners who already undergo very stringent steps to legally own firearms are not reason gun crime is on the rise.
16. Less Peter MacKay. Much less.
17. Opt out of Kyoto. The science is not conclusive. Everyone conveniently forgets that 40 years ago we were worried about global cooling.
18. Go further than NAFTA. Work with the US and Mexico for total free trade and a seamless North American economy. This means no taxes or tariffs on anything crossing between North American borders. This will stimulate trade and put an end to disputes such as softwood lumber.
19. "We are a country with a proud military history. We are the country of Vimy Ridge, Normandy, and Dieppe." Go to the Remembrance Day ceremony in Ottawa and call the veterans peacekeepers. I'm sure they would just love that. We have proud soldiers who have a history of restoring and creating peace. We are not social workers in nice uniforms. Put money back into restoring the military.
20. Develop an independent foreign policy. So little attention has been paid to this area that our current FP amounts to doing whatever the UN does, or childishly doing what the US doesn't. Developing a policy that allows us to act on our own would go a long way to restoring our international image.
21. Eliminate the Wheat Board.
22. Fast track programs recognizing foreign credentials. I'm tired of taking cabs in Ottawa driven by Lebanese Doctors and engineers who can't get work in their field. Set up 6 month apprenticeships with standardized tests at their conclusion.
23. Open up debate on immigration. Questioning current immigration rules does not make you a racist. Conservatives, contrary to popular belief, are very pro-immigration. With our declining birthrate it is absolutely essential. We need to discuss how to assimilate new immigrants into the work force in a fair and balanced discussion.
24. Open up domestic air travel to competition. And let Air Canada have their head office wherever they want.
25. Get rid of bilingual requirements for senior civil service positions. Only 22% of Canadians are considered Francophone. The current language requirements preclude 78% of the population from senior bureaucratic jobs.
26. Spend more money on developing helpful technologies for third world countries and stop pretending 0.7% of GDP going to Africa does the continent any good. Teach a man to fish...
27. "As Prime Minister I promise to never meet with Bono". He might be the only mainstream celeb in the world phonier and more full of shit than Michael Moore.
28. Money for Olympic athletes. The US Olympic Committee sends one delegate for every six athletes to the Olympics. Canada sends two delegates for every one athlete. The problem isn't a need for more money, it's athletes actually getting the money.
29. Revoke Celine Dion's citizenship. No explanation required.