Canadian leadership.
Congratulations to Canada for being the first country to officially cut funding and diplomatic relations with Hamas. When was the last time the Canadian government did something right internationally, let alone be the first to do it? It is no secret that our international standing has suffered significantly in the past 10-12 years, so let's hope Stephen Harper continues to make moves like this and not be too afraid of the main stream media backlash.
Speaking of mainstream media, I am getting tired of their whining about lack of regard shown by Harper and company. I really don't think it will continue much longer. Harper is smart enough to realize he has a lot of rookie ministers and they need to get up to speed in a hurry. Having them face the media unprepared and saying something foolish is far worse then temporarily upsetting the media. They also have to have some cabinet meetings under their belt to get everybody on the same page. My guess is that once the budget is tabled they will become far more accessible.
I'm not sure why so many people are up in arms over Michael Ignatieff most likely running for the Liberal leadership. I realize his past views on Iraq and torture run contrary to most of party member's beliefs, but can it not even be discussed, does it make him unelectable? I don't think so. I will give him the benefit of the doubt and believe him when he says he is against Canada's participation in the war and the use of torture because he has a new point of view as an elected official. But he has been very open to debate about his past positions which is a strong point in his favor. The level of debate in this country has become absurd (i.e. who is going to provide the best day care? When will we ban trans fats?) and Ignatieff is more than willing to debate topics nobody else would touch with a ten foot pole such as immigration, the role of the military, and first nations policy. That is a great thing for Canada and should be a great thing for the Liberal party. Ignatieff is a bright man who will help raise the level of debate in parliament.
Count me among those who think it is time for Ralph Klein to step aside as Tory leader in Alberta. He was a hell of a Premier during his time but that time has past. He rescued the party in the early 90's and has helped turn the province into a thriving place to live and work with huge annual surpluses (yes, I realize striking oil every time Aunt Betty plants a flower helps) but the party is completely adrift of late. Instead of giving each person in the province cash back they should be given permanent tax breaks. Instead of huge spending increases on Ralph's pet projects, surpluses should be wisely invested for future needs. Anybody who grew up out west can tell you oil rushes don't last forever and investing money wisely now will enable Alberta to run short term deficits in the future if need be. Ralph, you've done a great job, but it's been over 10 years. Step aside gracefully or things might get ugly.