Another ridiculous celebrity rant.

I'll be the first to admit I can't stand Bono. But the reason I don't like him is because of his arrogant persona and his belief in his moral superiority. I will be the first to admit, however, that he has made himself a real authority on third world debt relief and the AIDS virus in Africa. When he speaks on these two issues he is very coherent and extremely knowledgeable, regardless of whether or not you agree with his politics. The celebrities that aggravate me are the ones who make ridiculous comments but have absolutely no clue what they are talking about. The other night on Bill Maher, Richard Belzer claimed that he was more qualified to talk about Iraq than "uneducated soldiers" who were just "19 and 20 year old kids who couldn't get a job," because he reads 20 papers a day. I would like to see him go to Colorado Springs and tell undergrads at Air Force that they are dumb and educated. Or go to a campus pub in Annapolis and West Point and say the same thing. Many people who decide to join the military, including a few loyal readers of this site, are well educated and they feel a sense of duty to their country. This is not something to be ridiculed. If Belzer wants to take on Bush, Cheney, etc. that's fair game because they are elected public figures. But to call out the soldiers as dumb and ignorant because they chose to serve their country for a living is ignorant and reprehensible.
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