The NHL Shows Signs Of Having A Clue.
- I'd like to think that my consistent ragging on the stupidity of the NHL's post lockout schedule had something to do with their decision to change it but I won't flatter myself. It only makes sense that every team plays every other and you get to see your favorite players at least once every two years. Now if Commissioner For Life Gary Bettman could institute about 150 other changes the league might develop a pulse in traditional US hockey markets like Boston and Chicago and New York.
- Some pretty interesting pennant races are shaping up that shouldn't have been that interesting. Despite Eric Gagne's brutal performance last night (Boston fans are going to kill this guy unless he gets about 100% better than he has been by playoff time), Boston will still hang on. I don't know about the Mets though. They look really shaky but they play bottom feeders Washington and Florida the rest of the way, which should help them.
- I don't often review books I've read here but since The Hammer reviewed A Walk In The Woods by Bill Bryson I thought I would give my take on it.
I was predisposed to liking the book due to the subject matter. I would absolutely love to take four months off and walk the Appalachian Trail. I found most of the book entertaining and even found the second half interesting when Bryson literally got off trail and started really just telling stories about small towns and the ineptness of the government entities that run the US national forests. But I found Bryson to be the worst kind of pompous British windbag. Which is a pompous British windbag who was born and raised in Des Moines, Iowa. I always find it annoying when a North American goes across the pond and all of a sudden forgets where he's from and tries to be something he isn't (think Madonna and her ridiculous British accent as an example). I find it beyond tacky and his attitude is heard throughout the book. While I greatly enjoyed this particular book, again more due to the subject matter, it didn't leave me the least bit interested in reading anything else he has written.
- I find the level of fury surrounding the Patriots recent cheating funny. It's not like cheating is new to the NFL. Teams have been watching other teams coaching calls forever, the Pats were just dumb enough to tape it. And steroids have been rampant in the league for at least 30 years. With the predominance of betting on football (and let's not forget the single biggest reason the NFL has become America's sport is gambling) I also wouldn't be surprised if their had been point shaving at some point in blowout games over the years.
- I was reading a book downstairs last night while flipping channels and came across the Pilot for Gossip Girl, which I hadn't heard of. A quick search told me it was written by Josh Schwartz of The O.C. fame so I figured I would give it a shot. It had to be one of the worst hours of TV I have ever watched. It has none of the irony or sly sense of humour of The O.C. and was pretentious and cliched. I don't see it lasting 5 weeks.