Two Words For Jack Layton - Shut Up!
Yesterday federal Nationally Destructive Policy leader Jack Layton went after banks for "gouging" customers with ATM fees. He's so upset that he plans to try and outlaw "banks from charging fees to customers who withdraw, deposit or transfer their own money through bank machines." Nonsense like this is why the dippers never achieve anything but being the fourth party out of four.
I can just picture the end of caucus meetings when all NDP MP's put their hands in and yell "1..2..3.. MORE OUTRAGE!"
I love the comment about how banks are taking away people's "own money", as opposed to the government confiscation that takes place every pay for useless income redistibution schemes supported by the likes of Layton.
I suppose that's not their "own money".
This idiot's never made much sense, even going back to when he was a city councilmen in Toronto. He's just dumb enough to think this issue will win him some points with voters who are already leaving him for the Green Party in droves. 2 more words for you Jack "You're Irrelevant." Now take your pinko wife and Fuck Off!
It's like Jack is still in 1994, which is about the last time you heard people bitching about bank fees. We've all moved on to bigger problems than a device intended to discourage people from withdrawing $40 at a time. If people don't like ATM fees, get a President's Choice account.
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