Six weeks ago I said I was 100% sure LeBron was going to join D-Wade in Miami. My reasoning is that LeBron knows he will never be the alpha on a Championship team because he doesn't have the heart or the guts to have the last shot in his hands when it matters most. He will be perfectly content to let Wade take all the big shots which really tells you everything you need to know about LeBron on the court.
As for off the court that mockery on Thursday night told you everything you need to know about LeBron off the court. The while things was orchestrated by him and was meant to feed his ego. He even paid Jim Gary to do the interview for Christ Sake! When the hour long "special" was announced I thought he might stay in Cleveland. I mean who goes on National TV to crush and humiliate his hometown fans and team who absolutely adore him? Well apparentyl LeBron does and that is why he went from hero to asshole for the hole country faster than Tiger did. I really don't have a problem with him going to Miami, I just loathe the way he went about it. He never had any intention on staying in Cleveland and strung them along until 9:28 pm EST Thursday night. Awful. Just Awful.
Here is an email I sent to Bill Simmons, The Sports Guy, at that made it into Friday's mail bag:
The first comparisons people were making last night were that LeBron will now be Magic to Wade's Kareem, or more accurately Pippen to Wade's Jordan. Sorry, but the real comparison here is A-Rod.
A-Rod is also the most physically gifted and talented guy in his sport. A-Rod also has the biggest ego in his sport. A-Rod also has no heart and no guts and typically gags in the playoffs. A-Rod blew off a smaller market team (Seattle) that adored him to play in Texas. A-Rod decided to go the Yankees to win rings knowing that they would always be Jeter's team. A-Rod won a World Series last year but nobody considers him a champion the same way they look at Jeter because he didn't help build the Yankees. How is any one of those things any different in any way shape or form than LeBron? The Heat will always be D-Wade's team regardless of how many titles LeBron wins there. Congratulations on your decision LeBron -- you have successfully downgraded your career arc to A-Rod. Unbelievable.