The Pursuit Of Leisure

100% correct, 50% of the time. A tongue in cheek look at culture both high and low.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Back In Action.

Apologies for the lack of activity here lately but it has been really hectic at work. This is a strong creative outlet for me however, so I want to get back to it on a daily basis. Today is more quick thoughts about recent stuff.

- I saw Michael Clayton a couple of weeks ago and it's an 8.5/10. George Clooney is great as the troubled anti-hero (the type of role is becoming perfect for, similar to Three Kings and Syriana) and Tom Wilkinson was great in a role that could have been played very over the top. Tilda Swinton was the real standout though as the over matched corporate counsel for the big company involved in a class action suit.

- I saw Beowulf last week and is was awful. I would give it a 3/10 only because it was cool seeing it in 3-D. If the movie had of been shot in real action and then had CGI effects for the monsters it could have been very good. The problem was that watching the actors looking real in CGI was very distracting and annoying.

- I can't believe A-Rod was dumb enough to sign with the Yanks again. And then he signs a contract worth $30 million for endorsement opps with them for historic home runs, which only adds to his reputation for caring only about his own numbers.

- Barry Bonds is officially done. Absolutely nobody will sign him now that he has been indicted. Bud Selig must be ecstatic because baseball will be a lot better off without every other conversation being about Bonds.

- If the Leafs don't fire John Ferguson Jr. soon there may be a riot in Toronto. The Leafs are just awful and they will never get better with hm running the show. I've always said it would take a special kind of incompetence to have Leaf fans give up on the team and start screaming and we are seeing it now.

- Best new TV show of the year has to go to Chuck, which I find thoroughly entertaining week after week.


At 5:53 PM, November 27, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A-Rod is the best but also the most selfish. Even in baseball, the most individual of sports, the guys manages to stand out as selfish. In Texas he demanded that the Rangers sell his jerseys, hats etc. in a designated A-Rod shop, separate from the rest of the team. That makes Barry Bonds' leather recliner look insignificant by comparison.

Anyway, I was hoping he'd go to the NL or at least get out of the AL East. The guy just crushes the Jays. Oh well, at least the Yanks are guaranteed not to win it all for 10 more years.

At 7:06 PM, November 27, 2007, Blogger Road Hammer said...

After Peddie's comments today, JFJ should quit, and if he doesn't, he might as well just don a pair of assless chaps.

At 7:15 PM, November 27, 2007, Blogger Skeelo said...

I actually agree with you Hammer. The thing is he won't quit because he knows the board of MLSE is so screwed up they won't vote to can him unanimously. I think eventually they will just let his contract run out and not rehire him.

The biggest problem is who the hell replaces him. MLSE was smart enough to offer Colangelo full run of the Raps but I can't see any big name taking on the bull shit that comes with running the Leafs.


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