The Pursuit Of Leisure

100% correct, 50% of the time. A tongue in cheek look at culture both high and low.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Pac Man Has His Plug Pulled.

Pac Man Jones has been suspended by the NFL for one full year. I think people who blog about sports need to stand up and unite against this because Pac Man is worth so damn much material over the course of a year.

My suggestion to any network executive who is reading this, is to start a reality show with Pac Man being mentored by Hugh Hefner for a year while living at the mansion. Tell me you wouldn't watch that.


At 10:15 PM, April 10, 2007, Blogger Road Hammer said...

What is this clown's real first name?

At 8:21 AM, April 11, 2007, Blogger Skeelo said...

Adam. But it really doesn't matter.

At 10:02 AM, April 11, 2007, Blogger Road Hammer said...

What does one do to acquire a moniker such as "Pac Man"?

At 11:44 AM, April 11, 2007, Blogger Skeelo said...

The rap sheet on the guy is longer than my leg. Given that he spent 81K in a Vegas ripper joint and also shot up the place I'm guessing it's a combination of oral sex and gunplay.


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