The Pursuit Of Leisure

100% correct, 50% of the time. A tongue in cheek look at culture both high and low.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I May Have Had Mild Salmonella.

Not a typical title to a blog entry I realize, but with the news that the Hershey factory in Smith Falls closed down for a brief period due to a salmonella scarehas me a tad freaked. Ms. Skeelo and I buy our Halloween candfy there each year and this year we didn't get as many kids as usual. This meant that we scarfed down the remaining candy. The next day we were both sick as hell and had to leave work early. They say it didn't make it into the Halloween candy but I'm thinking that may have been just to not set off panic.

In my opinion the drop in oil prices is a case of the market correcting itself. There is far more supply than demand right now and oil won't reach $100/barrel. This could be bad news for Canadian investors as a lot of Canadian mutal funds are heavily weigthed with energy stocks.


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