The Pursuit Of Leisure

100% correct, 50% of the time. A tongue in cheek look at culture both high and low.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

In Praise of David Caruso.

Since we've seen each epdisode of CSI about 10 times Ms. Skeelo and I started watching CSI: Miami on A&E each night. David Caruso may be the worst actor currently working on TV but he also happens to be the coolest. Nobody else could deliver the lines he does with a straight face or with that cocky smirk. Seeing him go from the side profile hands on the hips to putting his shades on is absolute money.

The new TV shows this year have been pretty underwhelming (mind you I really haven't watched that many). The best new show to me was Smith which of course got shit canned three days after I blogged about it. I have been enjoying Standoff but I think that's more because I am a fan of Ron Livingston, not so much the show. Justice is another show that is not bad. I like the twist of showing the actual crime at the end of the episode so you don't know whose guilty of what. They need to write the characters better though, right now they are just caricatures. I plan to give Heroes a go as the insightful indamanda says it's pretty good.

I'm not the least bit ashamed to say that I will probably see the Borat movie at least four times in the theater. The guy's a genius.

I heard a Nickelback song on the radio this morning that made me realize they are by far the worst band currently making new music. Seriously, want band is worse than these half assed wannabes from B.C.? I'd like people to nominate bands they think are worse.

And with Meatloaf's new album out, I guess he now qualifies for worst individual singer putting out new music.


At 1:47 PM, November 01, 2006, Blogger Road Hammer said...

I am an unabashed fan of Nickelback and would contend that the majority of Nickelback haters couldn't even find middle C on a piano if they were challenged to.

Five acts off the top of my head that are worse than Nickelback:

1. Shakira
2. Black Eyed Peas
3. Clay Aiken
4. Green Day
5. Sean Paul

At 4:33 PM, November 01, 2006, Blogger Skeelo said...

Here's the funny thing - I actually own and like Nickelback's first album. I think everything since has been horseshit. Which is the same reasoning I have in agreeing with you on Green Day. Their recent stuff is awful.

But then again what the hell do I know...I hate U2 and love Counting Crows (though Mr. Jones is vastly overrated).


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