The Pursuit Of Leisure

100% correct, 50% of the time. A tongue in cheek look at culture both high and low.

Friday, November 10, 2006

George Allen Stepped In Macaca.

If George Allen hadn't referred to a volunteer of his opponent of Indian descent as Macaca there is a good chance the GOP would still be in control of the Senate. This was even dumber than what John Kerry said.

With the Dems gains you will here a lot of bluster about protectionist economic policy. That's all it will be - bluster. It will come from the far left of the party and it will not get much traction in the house, but will be lapped up by the main stream media. A lot of the Dems newly elected are similar to Heath Shuler who are trying to appeal to disenchanted "undecideds" who have been voting Republican of late. All the protectionist talk will have a negative affect on the US stock market intially though. Which means it will be a great time to start investing in the US market again when stocks start becoming undervalued.


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