The Pursuit Of Leisure

100% correct, 50% of the time. A tongue in cheek look at culture both high and low.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Torn Feelings On a New Flick.

It's very rare for me to hope a movie tanks. Usually if something I am not interested in or has someone I can't stand involved with it I just don't pay it much attention. Having said that I hope Lady In The Water bombs. I really can't stand M. Night Shymalan. His ego is completely out of control. I liked The Sixth Sense because of the way he used lighting and music to very creepy effect. But the script was at best average and the plot twist was obvious 20 minutes into the movie. And since then he has made the same movie 4 times. Enough with the lame plot twists and self interest. All those Spielberg comparisons clearly went to his head because it seems he is only making movies these days for his own amusement. Now he has even given himself a starring role. He's coasting off one success he had early in his career. As Ms. Skeelo astutely pointed out, he's the movie version of Bono.

On the other hand I am a huge fan of Paul Giamatti. He came into public prominence for his role in Sideways and I hope he will continue to get lead roles in bigger movies. Just not ones directed by Shymalan.


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