The Pursuit Of Leisure

100% correct, 50% of the time. A tongue in cheek look at culture both high and low.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Tiger Again.

I really like Bill Simmon's column on He does have a lot of flaws as a writer but what makes him great is that he never just goes with the flow and usually gives you fresh persepectives on things.

He also tends to sum up things similar to how I would except he has time to make his columns 7000 words. So you can imagine how glad I was to see that he has not followed the hordes who thought Tiger was so honest and open on Friday. It was great reading his column that ripped that "press conference" apart.


At 6:33 PM, February 23, 2010, Anonymous DIamond Joe said...

It was a great column. Looking forward to his "Part II"

I'm surprised that so many people believe the crap in that prepared statement. But I'll be more surprised if someone (preferably Phil) doens't take over the number 1 ranking while Eldrick hangs out on his boat.


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