The Pursuit Of Leisure

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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Biggest Knob in Canadian Sports Media Addendum.

The other day I stated that I thought Jim Lang was the biggest knob in Canadian sports media. I need to amend that statement to biggest knob in TV sports. Why the change? Because I forgot about Sun reporter Steve Simmons who is just as big a knob. So Simmons is now the Biggest Knob is Canadian print media. One of my favorite weekly rituals is watching Damien Cox of the Star take Simmons apart on TSN's The Reporters with Dave Hodge Sunday mornings at 10:30 am. Simmons knows squat about sports and wouldn't know Gordie Howe if Gordie walked up and hoofed him in the nuts.


At 5:33 PM, May 13, 2007, Blogger David said...

When did everyone on Sportsnet start dressing like it's Saturday night in Yorkville? Millard looked ridiculous yesterday with his styled hair. Who are these guys trying to impress?

Good call on Steve Simmons - unquestionably the biggest knob in Canadian sports writing. No one else even comes close.

How about U.S. sports media? I nominate Brent Musburger.


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