Shaq Headed To The Suns.
- Wow. I really did not see Shaq going to Phoenix happening. But now that it looks like it's a go it's worth discussing in some detail.
First off Shaq is obviously not the player he was even two years ago but he doesn't have to be. He is going to be the third option on offense and is really there to pound guys on the inside and let Amare Stoudemire play power forward where he belongs. Shaq and Amare are going to make one hell of an intimidating combo. One potential issue is that they both like to play close to the basket but so did Shaq and Alonzo Mourning and that worked out fine.
I also think Shaq will start playing with fire again now that he has another shot at a title. More importantly he has a history of playing well against the Spurs, who despite their struggles are still the team the Suns need to prepare for in the playoffs.
So are the Suns closer to winning it all now knowing that Shawn Marion is going the other way to Miami? I say they are. I've never been a huge Marion fan because he is a me first guy (if he was miserable in Phoenix he is going to be miserable in Miami because Dwayne Wade will always be the number 1 guy there) and his offensive numbers are a product of the system the Suns play and playing with Steve Nash. Shaq will score about 18 a game for Phoenix and other guys like Diaw will pick up their scoring. I'm not ready to say they are the favorite but they are damn close.
- One of the Suns main challengers now has to also be the Lakers after they pulled off that ridiculousy one sided deal with Memphis for Pau Gasol (poor Kwame Brown is probably going to be out of the league for good after his contract expires with Memphis this year). I've also never been a huge Gasol guy because I'm always skeptical about guys who put up big numbers on lousy teams and can't make their team better. But with the Lakers he will be the third, or maybe even fourth option, behind Kobe, Andrew Bynum and Lamar Odom (who I like way more than I should considering he has never played to his potential). Gasol won't have the pressure of being the main guy and his style of play, he plays away from the basket and spends a lot of time on the elbow, makes him a perfect fit for the triangle offense.
The Lakers are probably the number 3 team in the West right now and the thought of a fired up Kobe playing against Shaq in the playoffs has to scare the shit out of Suns fans.
Well Marion was a whining bitch anyway so good ridents. He can now go and be DWade's lackey in South Beach. As for the Suns, I'm not sure the Diesel makes them any better, but the Western Conference playoffs just got a hell of a lot more interesting!
Not to rehash a previous blog but The Hammer might find this useful.
Where the Suns lose abit is Marion's defense. He is arguably the best defender in the league and does a good job on Kobe. But they never had anyone to stop Tim Duncan. Shaq can at least slow him down. That's why I think it's a great deal for the Suns.
Joe, couldn't access the link, but I think it's time to fall in line behind your Senator even though he
a) believes global warming is unquestionably the result of human activity
b) wants to close Gitmo and ban waterboarding
c) thinks the state should control campaign speech, etc. etc.
If Obama actually articulated something (haven't heard any hard policy suggestions from the man since he got bitchslapped before Christmas for suggesting we hug Iran and Syria but invade Pakistan), perhaps I could get behind him.
That long winded respones was by me. I was a little trigger happy.
I'm not McCain's biggest fan however, the attacks on him by so called “true conservatives” are totally baseless. Sorry Hammer but you've got me on my high horse now...
1) No creditable scientist or climatologist believes that global warming isn't caused in large part by human activity. Even the guy in the white house realizes that now and McCain is hardly breaking new ground.
2) Publicly, of course he wants to ban torture. The idea of a sitting President supporting water boarding would damage the country's reputation even further. Privately, if we caught someone who we thought had legitimate information, I have no doubt he’d drop that mother fucker into a Chinese water torture chamber himself.
3) McCain Feingold past a Republican dominated congress and was signed into law in 2002 buy that same Republican clown at 1600 Penn. Ave. Therefore, it must have had some legs. And it should have. The amount of soft money coming in and out of campaigns was damaging the integrity of the entire political process. McCain realized it and put the country ahead of the GOP.
These so called true conservatives are a total disgrace. They’re the ones who let 12 million illegals in here and did nothing, literally nothing, to stop them. McCain, even if through a flawed model, attempts to address something "true conservatives" have ignored completely since Regan's amnesty in 87 and he gets pounded for it? Those guys have talked a big game for 2 decades, used it successfully as a wedge issue and accomplished jack shit. If they had, my landscaping wouldn’t cost $60.
True conservatives? The same idiots who think the 2nd amendment is sacrosanct. Never mind that it was written 230 years ago. Before urbanization, automatic weapons, 50 caliper machine guns and assault rifles. 11000+ of their fellow countrymen and women are killed annually by these things and the true conservative's answer is, surprise, more guns. Now they want to allow some teachers in AZ to bring their concealed weapons to school. Brilliant!
True conservatives? The same guys who haven't balanced a budget in this country in decades. These guys have yet to see a handout they didn't like. Those true conservatives may like Jesus but apparently not math. So called conservatives have leveraged this country so far up the fuckin' ass, we have to borrow money from Arabs to keep ourselves solvent. This economy’s been growing since 2002 and that Republican president just had to borrow another $400B. Apparently $2.7 trillion isn’t enough to keep us going for one year. Now they profess to bitch about McCain for calling them on it?
What this country needs is a Mike Harris conservative. A conservative who sticks to his guns, doesn’t shove his bible in everyone’s face, gets shit done - like actually shrinking government – and can turn this place around in 4 years. Sadly, McCain is the closest thing to it from the GOP. The next time Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingram, JD Hayworth or any other “true conservative” talks to me about McCain’s record, pardon me if I laugh my ass off. After I finish puking that is.
Come on - every single day there is a new report of a scientist who has determined that climate change could be attributed to any number of things.
Your other criticisms are bang on but one must be careful not to confuse conservatives with Washington Republicans. There is a HUGE difference.
I just don't like that grandstanding, self-righteous mofo McCain and I never will.
Petraeus '12.
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