The Pursuit Of Leisure

100% correct, 50% of the time. A tongue in cheek look at culture both high and low.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Sens Goalie Issues.

- Ottawa Senators goalie Ray Emery has been in the news a lot recently and pretty much all for his complete stupidity. But to call the guy a Bad Boy is a bit of a stretch. It's not like he's firing off rounds outside strip joints or getting busted for DUI or stuff like that.

Having said that though the Sens can't be considerd a Cup favorite with him and Martin Gerber netween the pipes. You have to compare this team to where they were last year when they got killed in the Finals and they are not as good as that team because of goaltending. The east is pretty weak so they have a great shot at getting back to the finals (or just as likely to get bounced in the second round) but they can't win without a better goalie.

- Yes yes yes isn't Randy Moss great. Here is a guy who walked off the field while in Minnesota, mailed in an entire season with the Raiders and has a huge mouth. Sure he has had a phenomenal season this year but I pretty certain that he is going to revert to being an asshole again next year. Which won't really matter next year anyway because the season he had this year makes it worth putting up with for a while.

- I'm glad to see John Edwards and Rudy Giuliani drop out of the race. Edwards has always burned my ass and Rudy has just been an awful candidate. What the hell happened to this guy?

As for who can reunite the Republicans and get them fired up to turn out and vote? Only one candidate can do that and she isn't even a Republican - Hillary. Thats' how bad things are for the GOP.

- You know violence in Toronto is starting to become a bit of a problem when kids are getting stabbed at Humberside Collegiate in High Park. High Park is one the nicest areas of Toronto and the average house in the area goes for about 750K.

- Do you think Elton John realized where Sudbury was when he signed on to a show there in early March? No way that diva puts up with temperature up there.


At 3:53 PM, January 31, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good call on Edwards and Rudy. The thought of an anti-business, ambulance chasing trial lawyer running this country makes me sick. And Rudy ran what will go down in history as the worst campaign any frontrunner has ever run since the invention of the radio. Good riddance to both.

Moss may well leave NE for more cash this off-season Among the aforementioned character issues Skeelo points out, you can add his 4 illegitimate kids from 4 different women. Not quite Travis Henry territory, but enough to make his take home pay an issue.

At 7:02 AM, February 01, 2008, Blogger Road Hammer said...

I love the insinuation from the owner of Encore Records (the best indy record store in the province, I might add) re: John coming to my hometown of K-W.

Take that, Jim Balsillie and all you University of Waterloo fucks.

Perhaps Edwards is going to run along with his fellow class warrior John McCain. After all, we know they both oppose tax cuts "for the rich".

At 11:25 AM, February 01, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In McCain's defense, his opposition to the Bush tax cuts was because their implementation wasn't tied to any spending cuts. Hardly unconservative given this country's $4+ Trillion debt and out of control spending by his fellow GOPers.

Edwards can now go back to working at that soup kitchen, oops, I mean hedge fund.

At 6:53 PM, February 01, 2008, Blogger Road Hammer said...

Point taken, Joe, but what about his embrace of Kyoto, his move to put state-controlled limits on free speech during political campaigns, his partnering with Ted Kennedy on rewarding lawbreakers (amnesty), etc. etc. etc.?

He is a disgrace to both conservatives AND team players.

Another pukeworthy line is when he says that he worked "for patriotism, not for profit". That self-righteous fossil sounds like a civil servant from Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs trying to impress some PCO-type at Darcy McGee's around 7:15 on a Friday night.

It's almost enough to make a guy kick in $20 to the Romney campaign in exchange for a Mitt '08 T-shirt to wear to the gym.

At 12:44 PM, February 02, 2008, Blogger Skeelo said...

Definitely a t-shirt I would wear.


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