The Tables Turn on Richard Gere.
- I find it very funny that outspoken lefty Richard Gere is being burned in effigy in India for kissing a Bollywood star in public. I'd like to think something like this would make Gere realize he is not actually living in a fascist run country but I highly doubt it.
- I think Ed Norton as The Hulk is good casting. Norton can definitely play the range of emotions required to play the character and was absolutely jacked in American History X (one of the most underrated movies of the last ten years), so he can put on the muscle again. I'd like to see him have another good role because I think he is a great actor but has taken some god awful films on lately.
- Here's a question - How come nobody suspects steroids when a skinny guy like Norton or Tobey Maguire puts on 30 pounds in three months? Because they have personal trainers and chefs and work out 5 hours a day? Just like pro athletes do?
- I don't know what to think of Ocean's Thirteen. I'm going to see it because I am hoping it will be close to as good as the first movie. It certainly can't be worse than the sequel which was positively awful. What scares me is that they have added the biggest hack in Hollywood, Al "Don't Say It When You Can Scream It" Pacino, to the cast.
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