Palin's Opinions
I'm not going to start ripping on Sarah Palin because I don't really see the point anymore but I did have a couple of thoughts about her comments about the coverage she received.
Was there a media bias against her? Of course there was. There is usually a media bias against any Republican so that can't have come as a shock to her. As to whether Caroline Kennedy is getting more favorable media coverage, Yeah she is and for three main reasons. First she's a Kennedy and the US still thinks of them as royalty, second she's a Liberal, and finally she's only running for the Senate, not VP. The VP nominee is obviously a hell of a lot more high profile than a Junior Senate seat.
Did Tina Fey exploit her? I don't think so. Comedians have been been portraying politicians for decades so she was fair game in that respect.
The question of class is probably the trickiest issue she brought up. Personally I don't think class was the reason she got a hard time but I do think the beating her family took in the press was overly harsh. But that is the GOP's fault, not the media's. The GOP are the ones who portray themselves as the Family Values set and are sanctimonious about it. The GOP are the ones who go crazy every time a Democrat has family issues. By setting themselves up as hypocrites of course they are going to get beat on, it's their own fault. And again Palin should have known this when she decided to take the nomination as VP.
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