The Pursuit Of Leisure

100% correct, 50% of the time. A tongue in cheek look at culture both high and low.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Hillary and Obama? I Don't Think So.

The thought of Hillary and Obama running on the same ticket is laughable. Even the Democrats, who have made losing winnable elections an art form the past 60 years, wouldn't be dumb enough to put these two together. I guarantee you whichever of them wins the Presidential nomination will have an Old White Male as their VP running mate.

Here is another question I find interesting but as of yet haven't given much thought to. Hillary and Obama both talk about one of the first things they will do being repairing the US image abroad. Given that the US is about five years away from being owned by the Middle East and China, how would Middle Eastern countries and China look upon a female President?


At 3:23 PM, March 05, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe Biden will be the VP, bet on it.

Yes it sure is nice of those folks in China to lend us money. For that we're willing to overlook a few things like basic human rights, the poor quality shoes their 8 year old girls make for Nike, and all that lead they put in my kid's toys, don't worry, it's cool.

At 7:02 AM, March 06, 2008, Blogger Road Hammer said...

I am a big fan of Biden but I don't see him as the Veep. Too much baggage, too windy, too much the wild card, and no geographical balance to either ticket. More likely, he'd be a strong pick for Secretary of State should either one of them win (hardly a lock in and of itself). Look for either Clinton or Obama to pick a governor or ex-Cabinet member who leans to the Blue Dog Dem side of the equation, such as Virginians Mark Warner or James Webb.


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